• 188,174 Downloads/views (2024, December) |
Citation Metrics • 0.4 (2023); 0.3 (5 years) Impact Factor (ESCI) • 0.14 (2022) JCI • Q3 Impact Factor |
Speed/Acceptance • 26 Days to First Editorial Decision • 152 Days to Accept • 60% Acceptance Rate |
Journal metrics in brief
Usage and speed/acceptance data refer to the last full calendar year and are updated annually in January. Citation metrics are updated annually mid-year.
Total number of article views by users of RPICS Online in the cited month.
Citation Metrics
Impact Factor (JIF, Journal Impact Factor): Average citations received by articles published in RPICS in the last year according to Web of Science.
5-Year Impact Factor: average citations over five years.
RPICS Citation Indicator: Web of Science's journal citation indicator is a measure of the average normalized citation impact (CNCI, Category Normalized Citation Impact) of the articles published by a journal during a recent three-year period. It is used to evaluate journals based on metrics other than the JIF.
Impact Factor Quartile: RPICS ranking in Web of Science's Journal Citation Reports.
Days to First Editorial Decision: Average number of days for a manuscript to receive a first decision based on the last year.
Days to Accept: Average number of days from acceptance to online publication. Based on the last year.
Acceptance Rate: Percentage of articles accepted in the last year in relation to all that received a final decision.