Importance of nurses in the identification of cyberbullying: Systematic review




Cyberbullying, Children, Adolescents, Nurses, Primary Health Care


Objective: Cyberbullying has been drawing the attention of the scientific community. Therefore, nowadays, there is a greater concern on the part of political groups towards this subject which is a public health matter. This systemic literature review aims to understand the approach of primary health care in the identification and prevention of cyberbullying in children/youth. Methods: Following descriptors Cyberbullying, Child, Adolescent, Nurse, and Primary Health Care with the Boolean operator AND/NOT in the databases (PubMed, Google Scholar, Web of Science, and EBSCO). The articles between 2013 and 2018 were taken into account, with the summary and full text. Results: Sixty-three articles were identified. Twenty-three articles were duplicates, and eleven articles were periodicals of scientific journals. After reading comprehensively, twenty-four articles were eliminated, and only five met the inclusion criteria. Conclusions: Information and Communication Technologies have benefits and disadvantages, with the significant family/person and the nurses play a primary role in the prevention and anticipation of risk behaviors for the overall development of the child/youth. The present Systemic Literature Review alerts for greater investment in the training of health professionals, providing them with evaluation and intervention strategies to prevent Cyberbullying, identifying victims and aggressors in all contexts (school, family, primary health care, and emergency). Since no studies were found in Europe, more research is suggested to better understand the positive promotion of child/youth care and the family facing Cyberbullying.


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How to Cite

Mendes, J. C. da S., Queirós, S., Pedro, M., & Oliveira, M. (2019). Importance of nurses in the identification of cyberbullying: Systematic review. Portuguese Journal of Behavioral and Social Research, 5(1), 99–110.



Review Paper