Cyberstalking in romantic relationships: A systematic literature review
Cyberstalking, Internet, Intimate Partner, Romantic Relationships, Violence, Systematic ReviewAbstract
Background and Objective: Cyberstalking in romantic relationships refers to the use of information and communication technologies, such as social networks, to stalk, threaten, or harass a current, former, or potential intimate partner. This review aimed to map empirical studies on the phenomenon, providing theoretical contextualization and identifying potential correlates. Considering the impacts on the mental health of the victims, this review also sought to identify articles that integrated concepts from psychology. Methods: Relevant articles were systematically searched in the databases of Portal Periódicos CAPES, Web of Science, PubMed, SciVerse Scopus, and Embase from 2012 to 2021. The quality of the studies was evaluated. Results: Out of 2,556 files identified, 19 studies met the eligibility criteria. Sixteen studies showed high quality, indicating robust evidence and low risk of bias, while three studies had moderate quality. The studies suggest that the bidirectionality and underlying motivations of cyberstalking are shaped by technological, sociocultural, and individual factors. Specifically, these motivations can be understood through sociodemographic variables and psychological theories. Furthermore, it was found that victims avoid reporting the crime. No contributions were found regarding the role of psychologists in supporting victims, perpetrators, and society. Conclusions: Overall, it is expected that the findings can guide intervention strategies in social, legal, and virtual realms in order to mitigate stalking behaviors, especially in the early stages of romantic relationships.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Anna Dhara Guimarães Tannuss, Patrícia Nunes da Fonseca, Sara Janine Silva de Oliveira Souza , Lays Brunnyeli Santos de Oliveira

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