The influence of teachers' value orientations on coeducation in physical education




Coeducation, Physical Education, Teacher, Value Orientations, Mixed Methods Research


Background: The influence of physical education (PE) teachers' value orientations on pedagogical practices and coeducation is a vital to understand how the curriculum and teaching methodologies can be optimized to promote gender equality. Objective: This study aimed to explore the interrelationships between the educational orientations of PE teachers and the implementation of coeducational practices, intending to identify challenges and opportunities for promoting gender equality in PE classes. Methods: Using a mixed-methods approach, the study involved 77 Portuguese PE teachers (Mage = 47.69 ± 8.82 years; 57.14% male). Quantitative data were collected through the Value Orientation Inventory – Short Form. Twelve teachers were questioned using a semi-structured interview for qualitative validation of value orientations. Results: A moderate correlation was found between Disciplinary Mastery and other orientations, except for the Learning Process. Younger teachers showed a preference for Ecological Integration, while significant variations were noted based on the contractual characteristics of the teachers in relation to the Learning Process. The qualitative results reinforced the complexity of educational orientations, revealing that preferences and pedagogical practices vary widely, significantly influencing the implementation of coeducative practices in PE classes. Conclusions: The study concludes that, despite efforts to promote coeducative practices, curricular imbalances favor boys. A curriculum revision is recommended to better reflect the interests and needs of both genders, promoting a more inclusive and equitable learning environment.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, C., Flôres, F., & Vieira, F. (2024). The influence of teachers’ value orientations on coeducation in physical education. Portuguese Journal of Behavioral and Social Research, 10(1), 1–21.



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