Authors Instructions


The acceptance criteria for the papers are the quality and originality of the research; these parameters are assessed first by the Editors. If indicated, the papers are assigned to the Associate Editor or the Guest Editor, who will coordinate the peer review process, usually involving finding two expert referees.

Please use the following template for submission at PJBSR.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to refuse material for publication, the opinion being communicated within a month. The Editor is responsible for the final decision on acceptance or rejection. Unless so stated, the material in this journal does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Editors or DI&D. The editors are not responsible for any errors or omissions or for any fact (See Publication Ethics and Anti-Plagiarism Policy). The  Portuguese Journal of Behavioral and Social Research gives priority to research articles but also accepts other types of manuscripts. 

See Types of Manuscripts for more information.

Manuscripts should follow the requirements stated by the rules of APA Style ® detailed in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Ed.). Other requirements are described below.




RPICS adheres to the Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT) and defines a contributor in a study as an author if they have made substantial contributions in at least one of the following categories:

  1. Conceptualization or Design of the Study: The author made substantial contributions to the conceptualization or planning of the study.
  2. Data Acquisition, Analysis, or Interpretation: The author collected, analyzed, or interpreted the study's data.
  3. Drafting the Work or Critically Reviewing Important Intellectual Content: The author wrote the original version or critically reviewed the intellectual content of the work.
  4. Final Approval of the Version to be Published: The author approved the final version of the study to be published.

In addition to meeting at least one of the above conditions, the author must also agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work, ensuring that issues related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

This commitment to accountability is integrated into our journal's ethics and underscores the importance of each author's role in the research process.



The PJBSR publishes three types of manuscripts: 

Research: These papers describe original research of high quality on social and behavioral issues ( Click for more details).  Word limits: 7000.  Maximum References: 50.  Abstract required: Yes.

Review & Meta-analysis: These papers provide an overview of a subject in social or behavioral sciences. In exceptional circumstances, these manuscripts may exceed the specified size, but this must be dealt with by the editors at the time of presentation ( Click for more details).  Word limits: 9000.  Maximum References: 100.  Abstract required: Yes.

Letter to the Editor: A letter to the Editor may be sent to PJBSR: a) to present a viewpoint about an issue concerning social and behavioral areas; b) to explain a new and relevant topic to the scientific community; c) to comment, question, or criticize a previously published article (see more information in Correspondence About Published Papers). Word limits: 300.  Maximum References: 5.  Abstract required: No.




Comments, questions, or criticisms about published articles should be submitted to the editor-in-chief as a letter to the Editor through the Submission system. These letters should focus on the published papers' scientific, clinical, or ethical aspects, and personal attacks on the author/s are not accepted.

The authors of articles discussed in correspondence have a responsibility to respond to substantial criticisms of their work using the same mechanism. The response would be asked by the editors.

Authors of correspondence would be asked to declare any competing or conflicting interests (financial relationships, personal relationships or rivalries, academic competition, and intellectual beliefs).

Correspondence about published articles has a limit of 300 words.




At RPICS, we are committed to promoting access to knowledge and the sharing of high-quality information in multiple languages. With this in mind, if authors wish to present their articles in more than one language, we have established the following procedure for translating published articles to ensure the integrity and clarity of the original article:

1. Article Translation: The first step is translating the article into an alternate language. We recommend that this be carried out by a professional translator or someone with deep knowledge of both languages to ensure the accurate translation of terminology and technical content. The translator's name and any relevant credentials demonstrating their linguistic competency in both languages must be provided.

2. Review of the Translated Article: Once translated, the article will be reviewed by a specialist in the study area fluent in the alternate language. This is crucial to ensure the article's content remains intact, and all technical terms have been correctly translated.

3. Comparison between Versions: A comparison between the original and translated version will be made to ensure no information has been lost or misinterpreted in the translation.

4. Publication of the Translated Version: After the translation is approved, the translated version will be published online alongside the original version, with a note indicating it is a translation of the original article.




The work described in the manuscript must follow the  Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association  (Declaration of Helsinki) for human studies.

The PJSBR attaches great importance to the ethical integrity of human beings involved in the investigations. Accordingly, in the "Methods" section, the authors should identify the ethics committee's approval and describe that all subjects agreed to participate in the study and signed a free and informed consent. Authors should also describe the methods used to assess the participants' ability to understand and give informed consent and the strategies employed in the study to ensure the protection of participants.

Anti-plagiarism policy

The PJBSR seriously defends the integrity in publication and its reputation against malpractice by taking action against infringement of copyright, plagiarism of the work of others (direct, accidental, or mosaic), or self-plagiarism.

Authors should

  • Visit the COPE website, which contains information for authors and editors on research ethics;
  • Refer authors or organizations that own the intellectual property of the content used in the review of state of the art;
  • Explicit reference to authors or organizations holding data, intellectual property of the analysis or interpretation of data, methods, or materials.

From the editors, at the time of submission, the measures include 

  • The specialized primary reading by a journal editor, which evaluates the main focuses of plagiarism (e.g., Introduction, Discussion);
  • Evaluation of manuscripts through an exhaustive review by conventional search engines (e.g., Google, Bing, Yahoo);
  • The analysis of the manuscripts through the automatic text-recognition system URKUND;
  • A manuscript with a duplication percentage between 3.0 and 5% may be rejected, and a paper with a duplication rate above 5% will be automatically rejected.

Post-publishing, editors can still adopt the following procedures

  • Verification of complaints of plagiarism or incorrect data use, methods, etc.;
  • The detection of plagiarism or integration of third-party copyright material involves: 1) publishing an erratum; 2) removing the article from PJBSR; 3) contacting the head or director of the author's institution and/or other scientific institutions; 4) not accepting any other submission from the author(s); 5) and/or undertake legal action.



Publishing in PJBSR does not require the payment of any fee to the author (nor the reader), following the principle that science should be open to all and free of cost in its dissemination.