Association between spiritual intelligence and mental and physical health in elderly




Psychological well-being, Elderly/aged citizens, Physical and mental health, Depression, Anxiety


Aims: To analyze the levels of spiritual intelligence, psychological well-being, depressive and anxious symptoms, and mental and physical health in elderly attending nursing homes or social centers and explore associations between all these variables (and with some sociodemographic variables). Method: In this non-experimental study, the Integrated Spiritual Intelligence Scale, the Older Americans Resources and Services (to evaluate physical and mental health), the Philadelphia Geriatric Center Morale Scale (evaluates psychological well-being), the Geriatric Depression Scale and the Geriatric Anxiety Inventory were applied, in an interview format, to 65 aged citizens (age, M = 83.46; SD = 6.65; female, n = 46; 70.8%). Results: Most elders perceived their physical health (80.0%) and mental health (84.0%) as unsatisfactory. An important percentage presented depressive (56.9%) and anxiety symptoms (64.6%). The total score of spiritual intelligence was positively correlated with attitudes towards aging and negatively with the total score of depressive symptoms. Conscience (spiritual intelligence) was positively associated with attitudes towards aging (psychological well-being) and negatively with depressive symptoms. Meaning (spiritual intelligence) was positively associated with the total score of psychological well-being and it´s dimensions, solitude/dissatisfaction, and agitation, and negatively with depressive and anxious symptoms. Grace was positively associated with the total score of psychological well-being and it´s dimension attitudes towards aging and negatively with depressive and anxiety symptoms. Finally, aged citizens living in nursing homes showed lower values of grace and higher values of meaning (spiritual intelligence), depressive, and anxious symptoms. Conclusions: It is of concern the prevalence of unsatisfactory physical and mental health, depression, and anxiety. Higher total levels (and in some of the dimensions) of spiritual intelligence were associated with lower levels of depressive and anxious symptoms and higher levels of psychological well-being. These data seem to point to the eventual importance of promoting spiritual intelligence in institutionalized elderly.


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How to Cite

Pereira, A. D., Marques, M., Simões, S., & Cunha, M. (2016). Association between spiritual intelligence and mental and physical health in elderly. Portuguese Journal of Behavioral and Social Research, 2(1), 38–52.



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