Facial disfigurement in the pediatric context: Integrative review literature
Facial disfigurement, Pediatrics, Nurse, Child, AdolescentAbstract
Background and Aim: The self-image can be especially disruptive when dealing with facial disfigurement. Disfigurement is a problem that not only affects the child/adolescent but also has an impact on the family and relatives as well. However, although the major goal for nurses was to improve the quality of health care, most health professionals lack skills in caring for children/young people with facial disfigurement. There have been no known studies carried out in Portugal about this issue. A systematic review of the literature was developed, aiming to present research results and contribute to reflections on the future studies of nurses' contribution to facial disfigurement in children / young people. Methods: Using the MeSH platform, the following descriptors were validated: Facial Disfigurement, Nurse; Emotions; Child / Adolescent, and Pediatrics. An individual survey was carried out in the databases: CINAHL®; Medline; Nursing & Allied Health Collection; Cochrane Plus Collection; Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, and MedicLatina, with boolean operator AND/NOT. Results: A total of 92 publications were counted, were 22 duplicated, and 66 did not meet the inclusion criteria, considering only four eligible publications. Discussion and Conclusions: Head injuries are considered the leading causes of mortality (trauma), and Palatine Lip Fissure is the most common congenital disfigurement. However, both affect the quality of life and the identity of the child / young, compromising the biopsychosocial development. Nurses considered as first-line professionals should be able to advise, support, inform and collaborate with the multidisciplinary team, enabling parents to strategies that allow access to emotional support in facial disfigurement, promoting a positive body image as a critical component of care.
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